Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
On this day, December third in 2016,
A day that once felt so serene.
The day you came into this world,
With a spirit full of light and pearl.
We used to celebrate this day with glee,
Together, just you and me.
But now our paths have gone astray,
And you're with someone else today.
I miss you more than words can express,
My heart aches with longing, I must confess.
I still love you more than you know,
And I pray our love will someday grow.
I can't live without you by my side,
You're the one I need, my heart's only guide.
I hope you can forgive me, my dear,
And remove all your anger and fear.
I long for the day when we're together again,
And our love will never again be in vain.
Happy birthday to you, my love,
May the heavens above shower blessings from above.

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