It's Love or Lust

 It's Love or Lust

She asked me if our love is true,

If it's not just lust that we pursue.

For love and lust can often be confused,

And true love can be hard to choose.

But in our hearts, we both know,

That what we share is a love that will grow.

It's a love that's pure, and deep, and true,

A love that's built on trust and virtue.

For our love is not just physical desire,

It's an emotional bond that will never expire.

It's a love that's based on friendship and respect,

And a connection that we'll never neglect.

So, my dear, don't worry about love and lust,

For in our hearts, our love is pure and just.

It's a love that's built to stand the test of time,

A love that's strong, and sure, and sublime.

And as we journey through life hand in hand,

Our love will continue to flourish and expand.

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