Beautiful Eyes

 Her eyes are like an arrow's arc

Sharp and focused, ready to embark

On a journey to pierce the heart

And leave a lasting mark

They shine like stars in the night sky

A sight that one cannot deny

A window to her soul, they reveal

All that she thinks, all that she feels

Like the arrow, her eyes are precise

They target the heart, with gentle vice

And release a love that's pure and true

A passion that's meant for me and you

They speak of hope, of dreams, and more

A vision of life that we all adore

In them, we find a glimpse of grace

A love that endures, in every place

So let us cherish her eyes, like the arc

And savor their beauty, like a divine spark

For in them, we find a love that's real

A passion that we all can feel.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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