Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:

Amidst the rugged hills and flowing streams,

Lies a land of beauty, a place of dreams,

A culture so rich, with stories to tell,

The Pakhtunkhwa, a place that dwells.

With its brave and hospitable people so kind,

It stands as a symbol of strength and mind,

A land of wisdom, of poetry and art,

Where every soul has a beating heart.

The Pakhtunkhwa, oh how it sings,

A language so pure, like a bird with wings,

Through its tales and music so old,

It weaves a story, like a tale untold.

Through the years, it has faced many a trial,

Yet, it stands strong, like a mountain pile,

And though the world may not always see,

Its people stay true, like the earth and sea.

Oh Pakhtunkhwa, you're a sight to behold,

A symbol of pride, like a story untold,

And though the journey may not be easy,

You keep moving forward, like a breeze so breezy.

So let us celebrate your beauty and grace,

And cherish the memories of this wondrous place,

For in your presence, we feel so alive,

Oh Pakhtunkhwa, you make our hearts thrive

Poet: Nunn Pari

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