Proposal accepted

Proposal accepted
In memory of my dear friend Bia,
Whose journey has taken her down a different path.
She was a dreamer with a heart full of love,
Her beauty and creativity was a gift from above.
We both wore spectacles, a bond so unique,
She called me Nunn, and I called her Pari, it's what we speak.
On Valentine's day, I proposed with all my might,
But she moved on with someone else, and it wasn't right.
Together we dreamed big and aimed for the stars,
She supported me in my startup and helped break down the bars.
Now as I look back, memories of her bring a bittersweet trace,
Her legacy will always live on, and her warmth I'll forever embrace.
Though our paths may have diverged, and she's moved on to someone new,
I'll always cherish the moments we shared, and my love for her will forever be true.
Poet: Nunn Pari

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