Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True
Bia, my love, you light up my day,
With your laughter and your smile so gay,
I've known you for a while, and I must say,
You've stolen my heart in every way.
Your beauty and your grace,
Are things that I can't replace,
And the more time we spend together,
The more I know that we belong together.
So here I am, on bended knee,
Asking if you'll marry me,
I promise to love you through thick and thin,
And to be by your side, through every win.
Bia, my love, will you do me the honor,
Of spending forever with me as your partner,
Together we'll build a life that's true,
And make each other's dreams come true.
So please say yes, my dearest Bia,
And make me the happiest person, today and forever!
Poet: Nunn Pari

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