Her lips

Her lips are like petals of rose

Soft, delicate, and velvety in their repose

A shade of crimson, a sight to behold

A beauty that never seems to grow old

With every breath, they invite a kiss

A moment of bliss, a moment of bliss

Their fragrance, a sweet and heady aroma

That lingers long after one has left the coma

Like the rose, her lips evoke desire

A passion that sets the soul on fire

They speak of love, of longing, and more

A language that only the heart can explore

Her lips are a treasure to be savored

A sweet nectar to be tasted and favored

A symbol of love, of beauty, and grace

A vision that time cannot erase

So let us cherish her lips, like the rose

And savor their beauty, as the passion flows

For in them, we find a glimpse of heaven

A love that endures, now and forever.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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