Her waving black hair

 Her waving black hair, a sight to see

A beauty that spells boundless mystery

A cascade of ebony, so soft and fine

That captures the heart, like sweet sunshine

With every strand, it flows and sways

A vision that leaves the heart in a daze

A symbol of grace, of charm, and poise

A wonder to behold, with every noise

Her hair speaks of confidence and grace

A strength that comes from within, with a trace

It inspires and motivates, like a force

And fills the soul with passion and remorse

Like the stroke of an artist's brush

Her waving hair is a sight so lush

It speaks of love, of beauty, and more

A vision that one cannot ignore

So let us cherish her waving black hair

And savor its beauty, like a breath of fresh air

For in it, we find a glimpse of heaven

A love that endures, now and forever.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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