fair lady, with hair of gold


Oh fair lady, with hair of gold

Thou art a sight to behold

Thy beauty shines like morning dew

And brings joy to my heart anew

Thine eyes are like the stars above

So bright, so clear, so full of love

Thou art a rose amongst the thorns

A treasure to be cherished and adorned

Oh sweet lady, wilt thou be mine?

And let our love forever shine

Together we shall walk this earth

And fill it with our mirth and worth

Let not the passing of time

Diminish the flame of love sublime

For as long as we breathe and live

Our love shall endure and never give

So hear me now, fair maiden fair

Let not my words fall upon deaf ear

For with thee by my side, I am complete

And life shall be a joyous and blissful treat.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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