Beauty Of Life

As the morning sun breaks through the night

And the birdsong fills the air with delight

I am reminded of the beauty of life

And the wonder that surrounds us, free from strife

Like Shakespeare, I am struck by the fair maiden's grace

Her beauty a sight to behold, worthy of embrace

But like Wordsworth, I find solace in nature's embrace

The rustling leaves and babbling brook, a peaceful space

As I wander through the woods, I am filled with awe

For the beauty of creation, a masterpiece without flaw

Like Chaucer's pilgrims, I am on a journey of the soul

Seeking knowledge, wisdom, and a higher goal

And as I contemplate life's mysteries and woes

I am reminded of Milton's epic poem, "Paradise Lost"

Of the fall of man and the battle between good and evil

And of the hope of redemption and salvation, medieval

For in the mix of styles and genres

I find a reflection of life's colors

The light and the dark, the joy and the sorrow

The beauty of creation, and the hope for tomorrow

So let us embrace the beauty of life

With all its trials and tribulations rife

For in the mix of styles and genres

We find a reflection of life's splendors

Poet: Nunn Pari

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