live in the heart


You still live in the heart, my dear,

The heart that you yourself broke,

Though time has passed and wounds have healed,

The memories linger like smoke.

I tried to push you from my mind,

To forget the pain and the tears,

But every time I close my eyes,

Your presence still appears.

I remember all the sweet moments,

The laughter, the love, the bliss,

But then the bitterness creeps in,

The fights, the anger, the abyss.

It's hard to reconcile the two,

To accept that it's all in the past,

But I know I must find a way,

To move on and let go at last.

So I will keep you in my heart,

The good and the bad, the joy and the ache,

And hope that someday, somehow,

I'll learn to love again without a break.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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