She walked


 She walked into my office, with a gleam in her eye

My heart skipped a beat, as I felt my spirits rise

We shared a knowing smile, a secret between us two

And in that moment, I knew what I had to do

We locked the door, and closed the blinds

The world outside faded, as we lost track of time

Our love ignited, with every kiss and hug

As our passion grew, like a raging inferno, with no plug

Lost in each other, we made a promise true

To be by each other's side, no matter what we go through

Our hearts entwined, our love so pure and strong

In that moment, nothing else mattered, nothing went wrong

But as the days passed, she seemed to forget

The promise we made, the love that we had let

Her visits to my office, became fewer and far between

And I wondered, what had happened, what had she seen?

Had she forgotten, the love we shared that day?

The kisses and hugs, the passion on display?

Or was it just a moment, a fleeting memory?

A spark that had died, lost to eternity

But still, I hold on to that promise, that love so true

For in my heart, I know, it will forever renew

And if she ever walks into my office again

I'll remember that moment, that love, and reignite the flame

Poet: Nunn Pari

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