Sindhi culture

Sindhi culture:

Amidst the fields of cotton and wheat,

Lies a land of traditions, so sweet,

A culture so rich, with stories to tell,

The Sindhi culture, a place that dwells.

With its colorful dresses and bangles so bright,

It stands as a symbol, of love and light,

A people so hospitable and warm,

Welcoming all, like a perfect storm.

The Sindhi culture, oh how it sings,

A language so pure, like a bird with wings,

Through its poetry and folktales so old,

It weaves a story, like a tapestry so bold.

Through the years, it has stood strong,

A symbol of resilience, like a song,

And though the winds of change may blow,

Its roots stay firm, like the earth below.

Oh Sindhi culture, you're a sight to behold,

A symbol of pride, like a story untold,

And though the journey may not be easy,

You keep moving forward, like a river so breezy.

So let us celebrate your beauty and grace,

And cherish the memories of this wondrous place,

For in your presence, we feel so alive,

Oh Sindhi culture, you make our hearts thrive

Poet: Nunn Pari

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