Lies a city

 Amidst the sandy shores of the Arabian Sea,

Lies a city, vibrant and free,

A metropolis of lights, sounds, and dreams,

The City of Karachi, a place that gleams.

With its towering buildings and bustling streets,

It stands as a hub, where cultures meet,

A melting pot of diversity and life,

A place where struggles turn to strive.

The City of Karachi, oh how it thrives,

A symbol of resilience, a place where one survives,

Through the hardships and the trials,

It stands strong, with all its might and guile.

Through the years, it has faced many a storm,

Yet, it stands tall, like a beacon, so warm,

Welcoming all, with open arms,

A place where everyone can find their charms.

Oh City of Karachi, you're a sight to behold,

A symbol of hope, a story untold,

And though the journey may not be easy,

You keep moving forward, like a wave in the sea.

So let us celebrate your beauty and grace,

And cherish the memories of this wondrous place,

For in your presence, we feel so alive,

Oh City of Karachi, you make our hearts thrive

Poet: Nunn Pari

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