The Tomb of Quaid

 The Tomb of Quaid:

Amidst the bustling streets of Karachi,

Stands a monument so grand,

A symbol of the Father of the Nation,

The Tomb of Quaid, a sight so grand.

With its white marble walls and majestic dome,

It stands as a tribute, a place of home,

For the man who led us through the darkest days,

And gave us a country, where we could all find our ways.

The Tomb of Quaid, oh how it stands,

A reminder of his vision, a symbol so grand,

Of a nation, united, where all could be free,

And the future, full of hope and prosperity.

Through the years, it has stood tall,

A beacon of light, a voice for all,

And as we stand in its hallowed halls,

We're reminded of his legacy, his spirit so strong.

Oh Tomb of Quaid, you're a sight to behold,

A symbol of a nation, so brave and so bold,

And though the years may pass us by,

Your memory will forever stand high.

So let us pay tribute to this great man,

And honor his vision, as best as we can,

For in his presence, we feel so alive,

Oh Tomb of Quaid, you make our hearts thrive

Poet: Nunn Pari

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