Break the distances!.

 Break the distances!

Days have passed, and time has flown,

It's been so long since we have known.

The world has turned, and life has moved,

But memories of you, forever grooved.

With distance between us, it's hard to meet,

But in my heart, you still hold a seat.

So if meeting's tough, then just send,

A selfie of yours, to make my heart mend.

For in this world, so vast and wide,

A simple photo can bridge the divide.

It brings us close, and sparks the joy,

Of moments shared, without any ploy.

So don't be shy, just send that snap,

And let our friendship, forever map.

For distance can't break, what's in our hearts,

And a selfie can bring us, miles apart.

So let us cherish, what we have,

And hold onto, the memories that last.

For even when we're far away,

A selfie can brighten up our day.

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