


Breathing in, breathing out,

A rhythm of life, without a doubt.

If every breath is a gift of life,

Then living in the moment is the only strife.

For in this world, so vast and wide,

The moments we have, we must not hide.

We must embrace each breath we take,

And cherish the memories we create.

Yes, I am alive, for I breathe,

And in each moment, I do believe.

That life is a gift, to be treasured and lived,

And each breath we take, a reminder to give.

Give thanks for the air we breathe,

And the moments we have, with every heartbeat.

For in this world, so fleeting and fast,

The moments we live, will forever last.

So let us live each day with gratitude,

For the gift of life, and the breaths renewed.

For breathing is life, and yes, I am alive,

Living each moment, with purpose and drive.

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