Your Beauty & my words!

Your Beauty & my words!


How can I contain the radiance of your face,

And bind it with words, in mere disgrace?

For your beauty is a sight to behold,

A wonder to cherish, a tale untold.

Should I hold back my pen, and stay silent?

Or attempt to describe your beauty, so vibrant?

The struggle is real, for words cannot suffice,

To capture the essence of your beauty, so nice.

Your radiance, like the sun, shines so bright,

A beacon of hope, in the darkest of night.

I cannot restrain my pen, from describing your grace,

For your beauty is a blessing, to behold and embrace.

So I'll let my words flow, in a humble attempt,

To describe your beauty, that's so heaven-sent.

For even if I fail, in capturing your radiance,

Your beauty remains, an eternal enchantance.

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