Faisal Masjid, a Vision of Faith

Faisal Masjid, a Vision of Faith
In the heart of Islamabad, a towering sight,
A symbol of faith, a beacon of light.
Faisal Masjid, a vision so grand,
A wonder of architecture, a sight so grand.
The white marble gleams, in the sunlight's glow,
A prayer hall so vast, with space to grow
The chandeliers hang, in majestic array,
A beauty so pure, a sight to sway.
The call to prayer, echoes through the halls,
A symphony of devotion, a faith that calls.
The people come, from far and wide,
To worship and pray, side by side.
The courtyard so grand, a place to reflect,
A peaceful oasis, with calm and respect.
The fountains gush, in a soothing sound,
A haven of peace, a place to be found.
Faisal Masjid, a vision of faith,
A testament to love, a sacred place.
A place of worship, a place of peace,
A place of hope, a place to release.
Poet : Nunn Pari

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