Islamabad, the Beautiful

Islamabad, the Beautiful
Nestled in the hills, a sight to behold,
Lies Islamabad, with a story untold.
A city so serene, with nature's grace,
A paradise on earth, a blessed place.
The streets are clean, the air is fresh,
A haven for peace, a true treasure chest.
The Margalla hills, a majestic view,
A wonder of nature, so sublime and true.
The parks and gardens, a soothing balm,
A symphony of colors, a peaceful calm.
The flowers and trees, in full bloom,
A feast for the eyes, a delightful tune.
The people so warm, their hearts so pure,
Their hospitality, a charm so sure.
A melting pot of cultures, a fusion so fine,
A celebration of life, a union divine.
Islamabad, the Beautiful, a city so grand,
A jewel in Pakistan's crown, a wonderland.
A place of beauty, a place of grace,
A land of hope, a land of embrace
Poet: Nunn Pari

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