
 It's February fourteenth, the day of love,

And my heart is pounding in my chest,

She's been acting strange, as if unsure,

And I can't help but feel distressed.

But then she forces me to speak,

To confess the love I've held so close,

And though I'm hesitant, I finally leak,

The feelings that I've never chose.

And then I propose, with a trembling heart,

To spend forever with her by my side,

But her reaction tears me apart,

As anger and frustration collide.

She's angry that I kept it from her,

That I didn't tell her sooner,

And though my intentions were pure,

It seems that my confession was a crooner.

I try to make things right,

To show her that my love is true,

But in this moment, I'm filled with fright,

As I wonder what she'll choose to do.

But then she looks at me with tears in her eyes,

And though her anger is still there,

She tells me that she loves me, no disguise,

And that she's willing to repair.

And in that moment, I feel the weight lift,

As our love is stronger than our fears,

And though there may be other rifts,

Our love will carry us through the years.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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