Red cheeks like roses fair

Oh, red cheeks, how they bloom like roses fair,

A sight so sweet, beyond compare,

With a flush that spreads from ear to ear,

And leaves my heart fluttering with love and cheer.

In your cheeks, I see a flame of desire,

A passion that sets my heart on fire,

For they hold a beauty that's truly rare,

And fills my heart with an endless flare.

With each blush, my soul begins to soar,

And I am lost in your love once more,

For in those red cheeks, I find a treasure,

A love that brings me endless pleasure.

Oh, how I long to touch those cheeks so red,

And feel the warmth of love that they shed,

To hold you close and never let go,

And watch your red cheeks bloom and glow.

For in your red cheeks, I find my solace,

A place of comfort, a divine palace,

And with each beat of my heart, I vow,

To love and cherish you forever, starting now.

So let me hold you close and see those cheeks,

And feel the love that within them speaks,

For with you by my side, my heart is complete,

And our love will bloom, eternal and sweet

Poet: Nunn Pari

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