"Why Did She Do That":

Why did she do that, I often wonder,

What led her to make that choice,

To leave me behind and go yonder,

And find a love that made her rejoice.

Was it something that I did or said,

That made her heart drift away,

Or was it a feeling deep inside her head,

That led her to leave and not stay.

Perhaps it was the timing or circumstance,

Or the pull of a new love so strong,

That made her take that final chance,

And leave me behind, feeling so wrong.

But no matter the reason or the why,

I'll always cherish the love we shared,

And though we may be worlds apart, I'll try,

To keep our memories close, and not be scared.

For in the end, the love we shared,

Will always be a part of me,

And though she may be gone, I'm not scared,

To keep that love alive, and always be free.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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