My heart ❤


My heart was about to burst,

When I heard the news at last,

That she had found love, and found it first,

And my love for her had passed.

I couldn't believe it, my heart ached so,

How could she leave me behind,

For someone else, who she didn't even know,

And leave our love in a bind.

But as time passed, I began to see,

That love is a fickle thing,

And though it may hurt, I have to be,

Grateful for the memories it brings.

For though our love may be in the past,

And she may be with someone new,

I'll always cherish it, and make it last,

In my heart, forever true.

So here's to love, and all its pain,

And the memories that it brings,

For though it may hurt, we must remain,

Grateful for the joy it brings.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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