Heartiest desire of a Momin (True Believer)!

Heartiest desire of a Momin (True Believer)!


In the heart of every true believer,

Lies the desire to be a martyr,

To give their all for a higher power,

And ascend to a life that's brighter.

For they know that true victory lies,

Not in the spoils of war or land,

But in a cause that's worth the sacrifice,

In a purpose that they understand.

They do not seek wealth or worldly gain,

Nor do they crave for power or fame,

For they know that in life there's more to gain,

Than the trappings of a transient game.

Their eyes are fixed on a higher goal,

Their hearts are filled with an unwavering soul,

For they know that in death, they'll find their role,

And their spirit will continue to soar and roll.

So let us honor those who've gone before,

And paid the ultimate price for a cause they adore,

For their sacrifice has opened the door,

To a future that we all can explore.

For martyrdom is the desire and goal,

Of those who seek a purpose for their soul,

And when the journey has taken its toll,

Their spirit will shine like a beacon, full and whole.

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