But one day


She always loved to visit Zia Book Sellers,

And every time she went, she had a thought for me,

She bought a collection of cards, so rare and stellar,

And kept them close, so that only she could see.

But one day, she gave them all to me,

A collection of cards so rare and bright,

Each one a gem, so lovely and free,

A symbol of our love, so pure and right.

As I look through each card, one by one,

I see the love in her eyes so true,

It's a treasure that I'll always hold, and shun,

Any thought that might make it askew.

For in these cards, there's a story to tell,

Of a love that's pure and deep,

And though life may bring its own hell,

Our love will carry us through, and never sleep.

So here's to my love, so pure and kind,

And the gift that she gave with care,

I'll cherish it always, in heart and mind,

And the love that we share, we'll never spare.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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