On my special day

 On my special day, she gave me a gift,

A pair of diamond cufflinks so rare,

My heart leapt with joy, my spirits lift,

As I held them close and breathed in their air.

The sparkle of the diamonds, so bright and clear,

Reflecting the love in her eyes,

It's a gift that I'll always hold dear,

A symbol of our love that never dies.

As I wear them with pride and grace,

I feel her love close to me,

A constant reminder of her embrace,

And the love that we share, so free.

For in these cufflinks, there's a story to tell,

Of a love that's pure and true,

And though life may bring its own hell,

Our love will carry us through.

So here's to my love, so sweet and kind,

And the gift that she gave with care,

I'll cherish it always, in heart and mind,

And the love that we share, we'll never spare.

Poet: Nunn Pari

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