My dearest Love

 My dearest Love, in fairest words I write,

In Shakespeare's style, with utmost care and might,

For thou art to me, as the sun to the day,

The very breath that keeps my soul at bay.

Thou art my fair maiden, my heart's delight,

The one true love that keeps me through the night,

And every moment spent in thy sweet embrace,

Is like a moment in heaven's glorious grace.

Thy beauty, my Love, is beyond compare,

A true gem in a world that is so rare,

And every glance from thy sparkling eyes,

Is like a glimpse of paradise in the skies.

Thou art the music that fills my heart,

The melody that plays from the very start,

And every word that falls from thy lips,

Is like a symphony that my soul equips.

So here I stand, my Love, before thee now,

With words of love, as sweet as any vow,

For thou art to me, the very essence of life,

My shining star, my ever-burning light.

Poet: Nunn pari

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