The dreams


The dreams we saw together, now seem so far

As you've moved on, and left a deep scar

But I won't let go, I'll keep fighting on my own

And turn those dreams into reality, all alone

We once dreamt of a future, where we'd be together

A life full of love, joy, and endless adventure

But now, those dreams seem like a distant memory

A reminder of what could've been, a painful epiphany

But I won't give up, I won't let go of those dreams

For they were mine too, and I know what they mean

I'll keep moving forward, with every step and breath

And turn those dreams into reality, with grit and strength

It won't be easy, to walk this path alone

But I'll find the courage, and carve out my own throne

For those dreams were not just a fantasy

But a vision of what my life could be

So I'll chase those dreams, and make them come alive

And though you won't be there, by my side to thrive

I'll remember the love, the moments we shared

And with that strength, I'll turn those dreams into reality, and dare

Poet: Nunn Pari

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